A poetic experiment inspired by the renowned Raghava Pandaveeyam written by the legendary Pingali Suranna in Telugu. This short poem written below by Veda Samhita retells the great epic SitaRamayana in very simple terms when read from the first line to the last and when read from the last line to the first, it retells the epic Mahabharat.
Finally came peoples’ queen and king
As their destiny they lived through
A new era they shall bring
As they remained the most virtuous and true
The king with his queen most benevolent and kind
Their destiny as they underwent
As through the most difficult path their way they find
As their time on this land they spent
One day, Evil, they had to face
Even as their world turned upside down
They knew in this world, Evil had no place
In virtue, must all sin drown
Even through the misdeeds of hearts filled with greed
He walked through troubles too perilous for one
He found wisdom and help when in dire need
As his heart felt at loss as what was to be done
With the support of his kins most loyal and brave
They both withstood the ploys of time
They went through the troubles most grave
To thwart Evil’s every crime
A deadly war had to come their way
As a result of Evil’s gravest sin
The queen held her heart from withering away
Despite the torment she had to bear within
The Evil assuredly had to meet its end
For the good shall only forever win
As the Adharma in the world, one must mend
For the new era, they shall begin
-Veda Samhita
16th May 2024