As he sat in his trance with nary a thought
His mind back onto Sati, another has got
And as if searching for darkness in the midday
He tried to stop her heart from going her way
Long ago, his heart was stolen by one
And for just letting it be, such destruction was done
The all-controlling master had lost control of his heart
And just by that, he tore the universe apart
Shiva knew well of time’s ever moving mode
Yet always back onto her, his memories strode
Yet even their blissful memories did he avoid
For agony would follow like behind stars comes the void
But he couldn’t ignore this person calling for him
Who is praying with every mantra, shloka and hymn
With such powerful love did Parvathi call
With such power even the mightiest river she could stall
Yet he couldn’t risk going to her once more
For if once more broken, his heart would never restore
He couldn’t fathom to go through losing her again
He couldn’t fathom to bear the ache he did then
He could feel that they both were one and the same
Back to Shiva, Sati as Parvathi once again came
He could feel his heart sense his being
And so, it ignored all his mind’s foreseeing
But can Shiva trust the time anew?
Will it paint his world black after showing him every hue?
Will it write him a poem just to tear it apart?
Will it mend him just to destroy his heart?
So, he tried to ignore her for ages and ages through
Yet Parvathi waited with a heart so true
True enough to melt away Shiva’s ice clad mind
To reach the warm heart waiting behind
And so, to Parvathi, Shiva then went
Still aware of the fears his mind had meant
Yet, as soon as, into her presence, he came
All his fears were put to shame
His world drowned in the brightest of hues
And all his doubts did Shiva instantly lose
His heart assured him of what he knew
That his love for Parvathi has always been true
And time assured him of what was to come
Their love would last until time itself would succumb
And so, Shiva did what his heart assured him to do
And destroyed the walls, that kept him from his love true
- Veda Samhita