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A Student's Greatest Enemy

Oct 31

1 min read



Here hopeful students come to learn and grow

Yet obedience is the only ability they are allowed to show

Here, your worth is decided by the words you spew

For only a paper decides your life for you


Here, replication displays the greatest of minds

And useless are the ones with experiments and finds

Here, humble errors are the greatest of sins

Here, passion and creativity only belong in dustbins


Here, oceans are judged merely by drops

Fields are judged by segments of crops

Stars are judged in broad daylight

And the moon is judged on a new moon night


Here, flowers are judged by their ability to talk

Fish are judged by their ability to walk

Here, wings are cutoff to fit the frame

And digits decide once glory and fame


These building gates close the mind as well

And in this hopeless market, marks they sell

This irony will never fail to astound me

As education became a student’s greatest enemy

-Veda Samhita


Oct 31

1 min read



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